Monday, November 10, 2008

What Nick and I did with our weekend

I know you all love Twilight but this made me laugh when we thought of it
Nick did the design- tshirts for sale on


happytape! said...

i love the idea, and the design! the question is, will it offend all the lovestruck little girls?

Emily said...

Probably! Which is why it will be a big hit with the teen boys!

DarkChocolateDaily said...

Cool. What an awesome design too! Way to go, guys!

Kathy said...

I love the design too! Very cool. Two girls from my ward yesterday pulled me aside and wanted to plan a girls' night out to that movie coming up in just a few days! Emily, you KNOW you wanna come! :)

Stepi said...

Its really attractive and funny! I cant remember, Emily, if you read them or not. I know a few others how dont like them either.

I hope you make lots of $$$