Sunday, May 17, 2009

Have you met Trouble?

Many of you know that I am often frustrated with my inability to keep the house clean, finish projects and basically even start any new projects that I would like to create. I finally realized that I spend a lot of time running around saving lives...namely Simon. He climbs on EVERYTHING! Here he is getting the Easter loot!
He moves the stools and pulls at anything within reach.

He has gotten stuck here a few times. We finally wised up and moved the box of music.

He drags and pushes any chair or stool available. We now hide this stool.

It is just too dangerous.

It is so nice to live in Mom and Dad's big house while they are on their mission but Mom's stuff is just a magnet to Simon. These shiny little things definitely need to be boxed! Simon can get lost in every corner of this house at least a couple of times a day. It is a miracle we keep managing to find him. No wonder I keep forgetting what I was working on!


Anonymous said...

I love that cutie!

Kathy said...

That is SOOO hilarious! When my kids do stuff like this I call them "little punks." Seems perfect for a nice kid who likes a little mischief and gets into stuff they shouldn't!

He is so cute! And, man, with a face like that you just can't get mad, right? :)

Sam has a face that always cracks me up, even when I'm scolding him. I have to really concentrate on not laughing. He's caught on and now when he is in trouble he tries really hard to get me to smile and laugh. Little Punk!

Simon's SO cute! A cute little punk!

happytape! said...

he looks like he's about to pound that family picture! mom and dad's house is definitely not baby proof!

he's getting so big! so cute!

Sarah said...

Wow - he looks like Jonah so much to me! What a darling boy.

Emily said...

Yes, yes! Getting into everything! Nick wonders why I don't read books that are more meaty than these fluff romance novels- I can't concentrate on anything for more than a minute at a time! Always having to go see what these little punks are up to!

Stepi said...

Fast comments guys! Little punks is better than my title of Little Rotten or LR.
The family photo was not harmed in the making of this picture!

And Simon constantly reminds me of Jonah especially when he wears his old clothes!

I totally understand about the books too. I am trying to read A Grief Observed by CS Lewis for bookclub now. It is very intense and takes a lot of thought and I am constantly distracted! ugg.

But I still love them all like crazy!

LBBlum said...

tough stage... but they are sooo darn cute too- and so proud of themselves when they are getting into "stuff"...

TROUBLE- is right..