Monday, July 13, 2009


We just got back from a weekend in NYC. I was presenting a workshop at Bereaved Parents of the USA at a hotel out in Queens.

We went to Coney Island on the way there and rode the Wonder Wheel and ate at Nathan's (hot dogs, corn dogs, and Nick had the frog legs). That Wonder Wheel is NOT just a ferris wheel- the cars slide and move around in the inside of the wheel- it is pretty scary!)

Yesterday on our way out of town we went into Manhattan for a bit. You will see the kids enthusiasm was higher and lower at some points (Nintendo World store and then we double parked while I stayed with the car and Nick made the kids go with him to look at the Statue of Liberty for a few minutes. Glad this sight inspires them to feel such patriotism)

Then we had some authentic french crepes from a street vendor. You can see the sign says they are tres bien.

I debated whether or not to put this graffiti up but I thought it was kind of interesting. I can take it off if it offends everyone.


Stepi said...

What a fun trip!! Tell us more about your talk at the conference. I'd like to hear about it.

I also think the grafetti (spell?) is really funny, and probably sad.

Kathy said...

I love the photos! That one of Abby rubbing her sleepy eyes totally made me laugh.

Hey, that graffiti artist even censored his work. How funny.

Emily said...

My workshop was on Family Traditions and how to make memories that include a child that has died. Some of the best ideas I heard from people is when they have a family dinner they make a toast to remember all family members not at the table with you. Other people said they leave an empty chair or leave a plate at the table where they put a rose.

The other thing that always comes up is that Mother's Day is hard. Do you know how Mother's Day started? After the Civil War they started having "Mother's Day for peace" to honor mothers whose sons were killed in the war. So it started off as a day where moms were missing their kids.

I've done this workshop at 2 national conferences... I'm kind of thinking about writing a book. Maybe

Stepi said...

Wow! That is really neat. I think the book idea is a really good one.
I think M day is hard sometimes just because we all want to do better. I'm sure it can be much much worse missing a child all together.
I think what you are doing and the help you giving is really great. You're awesome!