Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dining and Fun with Fam

Shoots Chinese restaurant, Jan. 24

Practicing crazy faces.

Bombay House, Jan. 21

Robert's and my house, Jan. 21.
Balloon volleyball, Jan. 24.


Emily said...

Thanks for the photos! Fun!

Emily said...

And now I'm hungry!

happytape! said...

i love all these pictures!! very cute!

Kathy said...

Great pictures! I LOVE, LOVE that funny face of mom! I totally see her doing that! So hilarious!

Taking good photos of a 3 and 5 year old is hard sometimes so I often ask the boys to show me their "muscles". They like doing it and will hold still for more than a millisecond and they usually come out cute.

I need to start asking for funny faces more. So cute.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys! We wish you could all party with us. Good restaurants, good company! Love you!

Stepi said...

Hey! I'm late to the party as usual!!! All the photos are so great, plus the food looks so tasty. I want some.

LBBlum said...

love that you are never too old to play balloon volley ball!

I adore your families "kid-at-heart" way of living!